We are here Monday to Friday, 7:30-5:30pm, however we are closed every second Friday for staff development & training. Our voicemails and inbox are constantly monitored for any urgent enquiries.
We’re here to answer any questions you may have.
Reach out to us, by completing the contact form at right, and we’ll respond promptly.
If it’s more convenient to call, please do so! We look forward to hearing from you.
Call SSM
Email SSM
4G & 5G / 1-3 Endeavour Road
Caringbah, NSW, 2229
Book Your Car Service Online
Please allow one working days’ notice for booking confirmation or if your Service or Repair is more urgent, please call 02 8544 3837 anytime.
Please note: All form fields are compulsory, with the exception of VIN number. Please do, however, supply this information if practical to do so.
Disclaimer – Every Service
Our inspection of your vehicle may reveal the need for extra work. We will provide you with a quotation for any additional work or parts that your vehicle may require or that we may suggest for safe and reliable motoring. We will only proceed with any additional work with your consent. At Southern Sydney Mechanical, you will always know where you stand.